Inspection violations
Top Violations During Inspection

Size and Weight
Includes but not limited to violation of a state size and weight permits, over legal weight requirements on axle, bridge or gross. Exceeding size requirements on vehicles or loads. Inspection violations

Medical Certificate
Includes no or expired medical certificate when required.

False Logs
Includes but not limited to false entries in a driver’s hours of service (HOS) e.g. hiding hours by claiming off duty while driving a commercial vehicle (CMV), Electronic Logging Device (ELD) logging in as a ghost driver utilizing its driving and on-duties hours.

No Logs/or Logs Not Current
A commercial vehicle driver not having any hours of service when required or a driver’s HOS is not current to the last change of duty status.

10/11 or 14/15 Hour Violations
Property carrying vehicles, e.g. tractor and semi-trailer, a driver cannot drive more than 11 hours before taking a 10 hour break and be on duty more than 14 hours before taking a 10 hour break.
Passenger vehicles, e.g., motor coach driver cannot drive more than 10 hours before taking an 8 hour break, and be on duty more than 15 hours before taking an 8 hour break.

Driving a CMV while exceeding posted speed limits.

Failure to Obey Traffic Control Device
Includes but not limited to failure to stop at a stop light, failure to stop at a Port of Entry.

Seat Belt
Not wearing a seat belt while driving a Commercial Motor Vehicle.

Disqualified CDL
Includes but not limited to an expired CDL, a CDL that is suspended due to a medical examination report not filed with the driver’s license division.

Improper Lane Change
Failure to signal, weaving outside of the travel lane or crossing the skip/fog/yellow line unintentionally.

Includes but is not limited to brakes out of adjustment, brake lining less then set requirements, brake hoses chafing together or on vehicle components, leaking brake air line.

Includes but not limited to a turn signal, head light(s), ID lamps, clearance lamps, license plate light inoperative.

Periodic Inspection
All Commercial Motor Vehicles are required to have an annual inspection as per FMCSR 396.17.

Emergency Equipment
Includes having an accessible, charged fire extinguisher and bi-directional triangle in a Commercial Motor Vehicle.

Includes but not limited to a flat tire (less than 50% of manufacture psi rating on the tire), a tire that’s tread measurements are less than requirements, a tire that has a foreign object in it and is leaking air.

Includes but not limited to windshields that have intersecting cracks.
Load Securement
Includes but not limited to insufficient amount of securement devices (chains, straps) on a particular load to prevent from falling off. A load of dirt not tarped and blowing out as it travels down the roadway.

Includes but not limited to a cracked wheel from a stud hole to a stud hole. Missing or loose wheel fasteners.

Includes but not limited to a broken or missing leaf spring on an axle, a deflated airbag, a cracked or missing U-bolt on an axle.

Includes but not limited to looseness of the pitman arm on the steering gear output shaft. Movement, other than rotational of any ball and socket joints, this is measured with hand pressure only.
Hazardous Materials

Improper Blocking and Bracing
Transporting hazardous materials and not having them secured in the transport vehicle, e.g propane bottle rolling around in the back of a Commercial Motor Vehicle.

Improper Placarding
Includes but not limited to missing 1 of 4 placards on a transport vehicle, a placard that misrepresents the product being hauled.

Shipping Papers
Includes but not limited to a missing shipping paper, a shipping paper with information that is not accurate with 172.101 table.

Emergency Response
Not having an emergency response guide book or information of the load within arm’s reach while seat belted in the driver seat.

Improperly Marked
Includes but not limited to 50% or more required ID numbers missing for each material. Any ID number misrepresenting the material being transported.